Written by on October 21, 2020

Halloween is definitely gonna be weird this year but there’s some fun ideas to be creative, safe, and festive! Virtual costume parties, movie nights at home, and outdoor movies if you’re brave.

Haunted Candy Hunt

Hide candy around your home, then provide your kiddos with flashlights and candy buckets or bags. Turn off the lights and start the hunt!

Halloween Baking!

Try some easy Halloween desserts like Boo Bark, Pumpkin Spice Puppy Chow, Candy Corn Pretzel hugs and more!

Pumpkin Carving!

We have some tips on unique ways to carve yours HERE and make sure to submit your pic when you’re done HERE to win local restaurant gift cards!
Don’t want to carve them? You can totes paint ’em or even make a Thankful Pumpkin like we did!

Safer ways to Trick-or-Treat:

If you do choose to Tick-or-Treat, keep your group small, ideally only members of your household or small social circle should venture out together.

  1. Create pre-made goodie bags that families can grab and go while maintaining distance. If you are preparing goodie bags, wash your hands before and after preparing the bags. You can also include a hand sanitizing station near the bags.
  2. Candy on a stick! Super simple: tape candy to stick, stick in ground, done.

3. The TUBE!! There have been a lot of these spread around social media but it seems relatively easy. You’ll still want to wear a mask and wash hands frequently. This guy added lights because he’s a show-off:

5. Ghost candy bags! Fun and simple: wrap candy in tissues to make ghosts:


Halloween is NOT cancelled! Don’t want to go trick-or-treating? Do a ghost hunt! ##Boo ##teachertok ##mom ##toddlermom ##momsoftiktok ##halloween ##covid

♬ Monster Mash – Bobby Pickett

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