Written by Ballzer on October 29, 2024
iFeed is a one-day event that works to alleviate hunger in our communities. It is organized by seven area high school Interact Clubs and their Rotarian advisors. Interact is the high school equivalent of Rotary that focuses on teaching servant leadership.
Rotary Interact students from Aquinas, Caledonia, Central, Holmen, Logan, Onalaska & West Salem are gearing up for iFeed (Part 1) on November 2nd at Logan High School from 8am – 12pm.
Lila Conway from Aquinas, Violet Nelson from Logan, Zaid Jandahl from Central, Danny Ott from Holmen joined Ballzer to share the different ways we can support!

In addition to this Saturday’s drop off at Logan, students will be at Hansen’s IGA in West Salem and local Festival Foods to collect Saturday morning from 8a-noon. Festival will have bins out for the next few weeks to collect items as well.

Thanks to our sponsors, Optical Fashions and River Valley Remodelers, Zcare was able to donate $1,000 to support local food pantries!

They are doing things a bit differently this year and moving the meal packing to the spring with an additional community-wide local food drive. This will be held on April 5th, 2025 so mark your calendars!
Thanks to
Featured image from Left: Lila Conway from Aquinas, Violet Nelson from Logan, Zaid Jandahl from Central, Danny Ott from Holmen, and Z93’s Ballzer