Written by on January 8, 2021

We want our beauty back! 2020 brought us hand sanitizers, cleaning products, and masks. There’s nothing glam or fab about any of that, except possibly your new collection of fashion masks. Who thought we would ever say that we have a mask collection to go with our wardrobe?! With the ongoing threat of the Coronavirus, and the need to continue these sanitizing habits, beauty experts believe that the sanitizing will creep into the beauty industry in 2021. They’ve also predicted some other beauty trends for 2021. Here’s the gist of what we found in this article by


Beauty experts believe that hand soaps and sanitizers will begin to look different. More appealing packaging, and less harsh chemicals. Perhaps more hydrating for the skin, which is much needed.

Blue Light Protection

We are more digital than ever, and blue light on the skin can leave long lasting damage. Companies are discovering more innovative ingredients that can help keep you safe from these effects.


Beauty experts see liquid lipstick making a comeback in 2021 simply because women need a lipstick that will stay on all day, and will not rub off on their face mask.


The fresh face look is definitely more popular than ever before, largely due to the pandemic. Less work and more natural beauty is definitely going to be a continued trend in 2021.

“Zoom Face”

After looking at ourselves for almost a year on Zoom, we’ve seen some things we’re not completely happy with. Beauty trend experts expect to see a rise in cosmetic procedures to eliminate ‘crows feet’, ‘eye bags’, and ‘forehead wrinkles’ for 2021.

Natural Hair

More people are embracing their natural hair color and doing away with coloring and high-lighting. Simple. That’s what we want. It’s easier and you save money too, which is something a lot of us are trying to do right now. And Braids are apparently back. Beauty experts are seeing an increase in braids, and people getting more creative with them!

For the full list, and more info, click here!

For the record, we think you’re fabulous just the way you are. Do you, and do what makes you feel good.

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