Storytime on #NationalRadioDay

Written by on August 20, 2021

My career in radio has taken a lot of twists and turns over the last 14 (!!!) years leading to all kinds of experiences. Driving in an Enduro race at the La Crosse Speedway. Meeting one of my favorite bands, A Day To Remember at Rock Fest a few years back. And probably the most meaningful experience of all, getting to make connections with thousands of you every afternoon on Z93.

But one of the wildest experiences I’ve had in my career was getting the opportunity to host the morning show on KQ98.

After longtime morning host, Phil Costigan decided to retire, I was asked if I’d like to give it a shot on our country station and I jumped at it. But I’ll be honest, that first morning was the first time in a long time that I was nervous cracking the mic. So much so, that I messed up the station name. Off to a great start.

But things got better as the days went on. Even if I was asked on a daily basis if I was getting used getting up early. (Fun fact: You never get used to getting up at 3:30 am)

Ultimately, I decided that the move wasn’t for me but I capped off my time with KQ with doing some work at Country Boom in early July. Now I’ve attended tons of concerts and festivals but seeing the behind the scenes stuff was so cool! And of course, getting out on stage in front tens of thousands of wild country music fans is something that can’t be described.

So on this National Radio Day, it’s hard not to be reminded that we’ve got a very cool job. It’s hard work but man, has it given me more than I can give hope to give back.

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