Written by Jesse on February 11, 2022
Every time the “The Big Game” rolls around, I seem to find more things in the “Con” column than in the “Pro”. There’s just so much that actually annoys me about the whole thing. So please indulge me as I air several grievances.
- The Game- The team that I root for will never make it to the championship. Call it pessimism. Call it straight up being a hater. I call it being a realist. And if they ever did, they’d get close to winning and completely blow it.
- The Commercials- “But, they’re so funny and unique and they have celebrities”. Yeah but the news after the game is always falling over themselves, ranking the best ones. They’re commercials. AND don’t get me started with the “Best of Super Bowl Commercials” specials they air before the game. IT’S AN HOUR LONG SHOW ABOUT COMMERCIALS!
- Social media reaction to the Halftime show- It’s always filled with, “I don’t know who this person is”, “Worst performance ever” blah, blah blah. And my personal favorite, “Why haven’t they booked Metallica for Halftime?!”
- The fact of when the game is over, we have seven football-less months of the year. It always feels like when Christmas is over. Just a feeling of, “Well, what do we do now?”.
So what do you like about “The Big Game”
Buffalo chicken dip. That’s about it.