If You Could Only Choose One Streaming Service, Which One Would It Be?

Written by on September 27, 2021

Remember when you decided to cut the cord and you thought you’d save a bunch of money. But then your favorite shows would leave the streaming service, and you’d sub to a new one. And pretty soon you’re subscribed to 5 or 6 different services and you’re spending the same or more as cable. It can’t just be me.

But what if you were asked to choose only ONE streaming service? Which one would you go with?

Someone polled 4,000 Americans, and the most essential streaming service is . . . NETFLIX.  It got almost twice as many votes as any other streaming platform.  Here’s how people voted . . .

1.  Netflix.  41% said it’s the last one they’d cancel.

2.  Hulu, 21%.

3.  HBO Max, 13%.  But it had the highest satisfaction rating.  51% of people with HBO Max said they’re “very satisfied” with it.  46% said the same about Netflix.

4.  Disney-Plus, 9%.

5.  Prime Video, 6%.

6.  Paramount-Plus, 2%.

7.  Discovery-Plus, 1%.

8.  Peacock, 1%.

9.  Apple TV, 1%.

10.  6% said “other” or “none of the above.” 

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