The Top Things That Cause Us To Rage

Written by on November 11, 2021

A new survey asked 2,000 people to find out what drives us into utter madness. While a lot of the things that made the list just seem to be minor inconveniences, I’ll list my top three at the end. Here we go:

  1. When someone cuts in line in front of you. 44% of people said it’s rage-inducing.
  2. When someone thinks the rules don’t apply to them.
  3. When you’re in a crosswalk and someone speeds through without stopping.
  4. Rude people in general.
  5. ATM fees, or having to pay to withdraw cash.

See? For the most part, things that really don’t require flying off the handle. Except for number 4. Rage away on that one. But here are my top things that cause me turmoil:

  1. Getting trapped into conversations that I clearly no interest in participating in. Now that sounds rude. But it’s also very rude to not pick up on that I’m not interested in having a one sided conversation, random stranger at the bar. Sorry. But not really.
  2. Belching. We all do it but leaning into a burp and shaking the room? C’mon.

I’m sure there’s more but even thinking about these two right now is causing me to spiral.

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